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The founder of Dynamic Bodies LLC



Howdy! I'm Kelsey. I am a twenty-six year old wife and mother of two. I run my fitness company as well as a homestead and farm. Balancing life best I can. My passion is fitness and over-all health. I love preparing homemade and healthy meals for myself and my family and I regularly workout at home and at my gym. My aim is to show you that investing in yourself and your health is crucial. I am here to help you identify your goals, guide and educate you to reach your full potential as a whole. I have been involved in the fitness community for over seven years now, continuing to further my experience and knowledge. I stuck fit through both of my pregnancies and continue to do so in the chaotic life that I call being a mom. I am just in love with being in tune with myself and taking care of my own body as well as with helping others reach their goals along the way. My positive approach to online coaching will leave you with not only a personal trainer, but a life-long friendship. I truly care about each and every one of my clients. YOU are the reason why I love what I do. When you see your results after all of your hard work, it makes my "job"seem nothing of the sort. It's a true passion. My ultimate goal for coaching and training is for my clientele is to be able to branch out on their own from what they learn from me through the various programs I give them.


Who doesn't want to live a longer, more sustainable, and balanced life? So join me in the first step to help you get started on the right track of your fitness journey.



40.5 weeks pregnant

Post-Mama of two beautiful babies


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